Discipline Committee

Hockey Discipline Committee Process

Austin Metro Hockey Association (AMHA) has appointed a three (3) person panel of independent arbitrators (discipline committee) to rule on the severity or relevance of any matter or conflict of interest deemed potentially destructive to the reputation of the hockey organization, function of a team, or safety of the environment in or around the rink.  Any matter that is deemed illegal or potentially in violation of laws should be immediately forwarded to the authorities regardless of the guidelines outlined in this policy.


The discipline committee should be considered the measure of last resort on all issues.  Before any matter is brought to the attention of the committee, amicable resolution must be first attempted between the individual parties involved.  The matter should then be brought to the attention of the head coach (if relevant) and the Hockey Director for further mediation.  At the discretion of the Hockey Director, the matter may be brought to the attention of the discipline committee.


The Hockey Director will notify all parties involved if a matter is brought to the attention of the discipline committee.  If this is the case, within five (5) days, all parties involved should submit a written account of the facts and circumstances surrounding the issue to the Hockey Director.  The Hockey Director will forward these written accounts to the discipline committee for review. 


The discipline committee will meet to discuss the matter and all written accounts within seven (7) days of notice of the incident and reach a verdict or resolution.  This discipline committee must take into account all previous sanctions levied and consider the rules and bylaws of USA Hockey, the Texas Amateur Hockey Association (TAHA), the Dallas Stars Travel Hockey League (DSTHL), and Austin Metro Hockey Association (AMHA) as guiding and binding framework for discipline.  The meeting of the discipline committee will be chaired by a secretary responsible for recording meeting minutes. These minutes, along with the verdict or resolution, will be disseminated to all parties. Decisions of the discipline committee are final.


Some examples of tools at the disposal of the discipline committee include:

  1. Dismissal of issue or complaint
  2. Verbal or written reprimand added to file for future compounding assessment
  3. Suspension or temporary removal of player or coach
  4. Barring of individual from a facility
  5. Monetary penalty: may include fines or reimbursements to indemnify or repair
  6. damaged interests (that will be contributed to the scholarship fund managed by
  7. the AMHA)
  8. Removal of a player without refund and with full liability for full payment
  9. Call for hearing by USA Hockey
  10. Indefinite expulsion from the organization
  11. Additional training (coaching, safe-sport, ethical)
  12. Qualified supervision or demotion of coach
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