Locker Room Policy

General Rules and Strategies

Ask Yourself:

Would you leave fifteen 12-year old kids in your home without supervision?

The presence of adults in the locker rooms is critical to maintaining a safe and positive environment. Over the past five years, it has become clear that more than half of all SafeSport incidents reported each year occur in locker rooms. In all but a few cases, there was no locker room monitor present. 

Whenever players are present in the locker room, there must be at least one screened and SafeSport-trained adult present either in the locker room or near the door (within arm’s length and so the monitor can sufficiently hear inside the locker room), frequently checking and communicating with the players so they understand they are being monitored. Coaches can act as locker room monitors, however, we strongly encourage volunteer parents to fill this role to enable the coaches to focus on game or practice planning and preparation. 

The prevention of hazing, bullying, harassment, or other inappropriate behaviors in addition to physical harm caused by horseplay, can be lessened by following some fundamental strategies outlined below:

Hold a team meeting focused on locker room monitoring and behavior expectations: 

  • Include players, parents, coaches, team managers, and locker room monitors. 
  • Clearly explain the rules and expectations for players.
  • Clearly explain the rules and expectations of the locker room monitor……including the corrective action that will be taken if necessary (player could be benched, suspended, or worse).
  • Ensure players and parents understand the locker room monitor is there to help ensure there is a safe environment for all members of the team.

Opening and use of the locker room: 

  • Ideally, the designated locker room will only be opened once players arrive. 
  • If a single player is present, the locker room should be monitored by at least two adults until additional players arrive. 
  • If there is only one adult present, whether a coach or volunteer parent, they should wait for multiple players to arrive before allowing access to the locker room. 
  • Limit the time the players are in the locker room to the amount of time necessary for them to get ready for their game or practice. 
  • If the coach needs additional time to address the team, the coach should be in the locker room as well. 
  • Locker rooms must be monitored for any team event, regardless of location (not just games, and not just at home). Locker Rooms: Monitoring and Supervision 

Location of Monitor: 

  • It is preferable to have the monitor/supervisor inside the locker room whenever possible. 
  • The physical presence of an adult(s) is far more effective in deterring and stopping misbehavior and enables the adult(s) to visually monitor the behavior of the individual players and to intercede prior to an incident getting out of hand. Additionally, it affords the opportunity to ensure that players are not using their electronic devices. 

When an issue arises: 

  • Monitors/team managers/coaches need to be respectful and keep their own emotions in check. 
  • Speaking quietly and calmly to a player, to help avoid embarrassment, may be best. However, it may be appropriate and necessary to use a strong verbal command to stop misbehavior. 
  • If the attempt to intercede is ignored, or the problem persists, and there is no immediate threat of potential harm, the monitor/supervisor should seek assistance from another adult to remove the misbehaving player from the locker room and address the issue separate from the rest of the team. If the player’s parent(s) are present, they should be engaged immediately. 
  • Situations where misbehavior could lead to the threat of immediate harm, are very rare (especially with monitors present); however, if a situation arises, it may become necessary to intercede to stop the problem (examples include fighting, wrestling, hitting with sticks, throwing items, dangerous use of skates, etc.). If you are uncomfortable directly engaging to separate players in these circumstances, send someone for help and continue to calmly attempt to de-escalate the situation until it can be resolved. However, with an adult in the locker room, none of these potential scenarios should occur. 
  • Immediately report any misbehavior occurring in a locker room to your local SafeSport coordinator or any other official. Identify as best you can both the participants as well as anyone who closely witnessed the incident and the actions of those involved. 
  • Report any incidents of unmonitored or inadequately monitored locker rooms to your local SafeSport Coordinator. 

AMHA Rules and Corrective Actions

AMHA General Rules for Locker Room Behavior

  • No hazing, bullying, harassment, or other inappropriate behaviors in addition to physical harm caused by horseplay or wrestling.
  • No cell phones, cameras, or recording devices are allowed in the locker room.
  • More than one player and at least one head coach, assistant coach, or locker room monitor must be present to open the locker room.
  • Recommended that Squirt and younger locker rooms keep locker room door open.
  • Other head coach rules may apply.

Corrective Actions

  • First Offense – verbal warning. Player, coach, LRM, and parent are notified.
  • Second Offense – Benching (time-period up to coach’s discretion – period or game). Player, coach, LRM, and parent are notified.
  • Third Offense – Suspension (time-period up to coach’s discretion – how many games). Player, coach, LRM, and parent are notified.
  • Fourth Offense – Issue is brought to discipline committee hearing with a safe sport representative and potential dismissal from the team. Player, coach, LRM, and parent are notified.

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